2008-10-30 15:02:31
The Main Historical Library of Cieszyn, acting on behalf of the consortium consisting in Cieszyn’s Branch of the State Archive in Katowice, Museum of Cieszyn Silesia, Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Cieszyn and Cieszyn’s Assembly of the Merciful Brothers’ Order, hereby opens a competition for a research article. The following scope can be referred to in papers submitted for the competition:
- history of writing culture (resourcing, history of resource management systems, history of literature, history of printing and publishing, history of book distribution, history of book-reading, history of libraries and archives); papers based on the above themes should refer to Cieszyn Silesia, or, paper content should contain explicit and rigorously evidenced references to that region,
- protection and preservation of collections in Polish and/or international libraries and church archives,
- projects related to protection, conservation and digital conversion of library or archive resources, completed in Poland and/or Czech Republic with the support of the European Union and/or the European Economic Area.
Each competition paper, written in the form of a research article in Polish, Czech or English langue and provided with a critical section, should include the total volume of one (i.e. 40 000 characters) up to three (i.e. 120 000 characters) printing sheets and should include summaries in Polish and English (with the maximum volume of 1 800 characters each).
Competition applicants are requested to submit entry declarations, including the emblem to be used as a signature of the paper, working title and abstract with up to 1800 characters by the 31st of March 2009. Declarations should be sent in envelopes marked with “Konkurs” (“Competition”) signature and missing sender’s information to the following address: Książnica Cieszyńska, ul. Mennicza 46, 43-400 Cieszyn. The final date for competition paper submittal is the 31st of October 2009.
Authors of papers with the highest ratings will receive prize money with the total value of PLN 12 000 gross.
This Competition, organized within the framework of “Protection and Preservation of Cieszyn’s Written Heritage” project, subsidized by the resources of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area, shall be arranged under the scientific and media patronage of the Management Board of the Polish Librarians Association and editors of “Knihy a Dějiny” (Prague), “Library Review” (Warsaw) and “Library Annuals” (Wrocław) magazines.
Rules of Competition
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